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Ihr Merkzettel
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Euro Sme Flexi Loop Handle Tragetasche, Vest Style Tragetasche und Punch Out Tragetasche (in verschiedenen Größen und Dicken)
Loop handle bags are primarily intended for the needs of specific retailing, particularly retail fashion shops and boutiques. Our Bags offer large, uninterrupted surfaces for printing up to six colours as well as high quality process printing. Euro SME is capable of supplying loop handle carriers in a wide selection of sizes, with or without a bottom gusset, with different sizes and colours of loop handles.
Specification Range:
- Length: 280mm - 450mm
- Width: 300mm - 650mm
- Thickness: 30 mu and above.
Euro SME is capable of producing vest style carriers (also known as T-shirt bags) in a range of sizes, colours and designs; from economical candy coloured carrier to premium high density polyethylene printed vest carrier, printed with up to eight colours. We have developed recycled and bio-degradable vest style carries which are commonly used by supermarkets and grocery stores.
Specification Range:
- Length: 280mm - 1000mm
- Width: 190mm - 550mm
- Thickness: 9 mu and above.

Weitere Informationen über das Produkt
Marke: Euro Sme

Euro Sme Sdn Bhd
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan