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Profim ElliePro mit den Textilbezügen Medley, Nexus, String, Evo, Next, Runner, Fame, Synergy, Step (kein Leder)

Produktinformationen des Unternehmens:

A family of eight products that fit together and beautify any interior design. Wide configuration options, fashionable colors of metal elements, interesting shape of the bucket - features attracting attention and giving a chance to create an armchair that is up to date needs. Modern, elegant, simple both in form and in use. ElliePro is a synergy of a beautiful, simple form with functionality. The combination of a comfortable, a soft armchair and an ergonomic office chair. Model mounted on a four-or the five-star base will easily find its place in every office and home. Precision and attention to detail this feature is particularly important in the context combining different colors of fabrics. An original and practical idea there is an optional leather insert on the armrests constituting an integral part of the seat. Taking up the challenge of creating a chair that will fulfill its functions in the office and at home, we had to take care of its unique appearance and functionality. The version of the product on a bar frame is one of the implementation of these intentions. One armchair and its two faces - high and low backrest and intuitive operation Synchro Self mechanism with a single lever. Solutions, that will satisfy the tastes of the most demanding users.

Marke: Flokk

Flokk Sp. z o.o

ul. Górnicza 8
62-700 Turek
Daria Łuczak