Environmental benefits of recycled paper
We have the facts – you have the choice!
Good arguments for 100% recycled paper with the Blue Angel.
It protects forests
Not one single tree has to be felled to produce the recycled paper because it is made 100% from recovered paper. This is not only good for the forests but also makes an important contribution to preserving biodiversity because the habitats of many animals and plants are maintained.
It protects the climate and resources
Recycled paper is also “top of the class” when it comes to climate protection and is better for the environment than paper produced from sustainably managed forests (e.g. FSC): Notepads, exercise books and other products made using recycled paper with the Blue Angel instead of virgin fibre paper use around 70% less energy and consume up to 80% less water during the production of the paper products.
It protects your health
Paper with the Blue Angel not only protects the environment but also your health: The Blue Angel guarantees that no toxic chemicals or additives were used during the production of the paper.
These are just some of the many arguments in favour of recycled paper. You will find further exciting information on the subject of recycled paper in the download section.
Do you fancy a cup of coffee? Then take a look at the energy savings that you can achieve with Blue Angel paper:
You could brew a litre of coffee with the energy saved by 7 sheets of recycled paper.
250 sheets save enough energy to power an 11 watt energy saving bulb for more than 50 hours.
And you could do your laundry with the energy saved by 500 sheets of recycled paper.
Source: IFEU Study: “Ecological comparison of office papers in view of the fibrous raw material", 2006
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