Sprungnavigation Tastaturkurzbefehle



Geschäftsführer: RA Rüdiger Wollmann / RA Thomas Roßbach

HRB 23155
VAT Identification Number: DE 814 988 168

Fränkische Straße 7
D-53229 Bonn

Phone: +49 (0)228 68895 190
E-Mail: Umweltzeichen@RAL.de
Website: www.ral.de

Editorial Department: RAL and Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)

Dept. III 1.3
P.O.Box 1406
06813 Dessau
E-Mail: info@blauer-engel.de
Website: www.uba.de

Design, Technical Realization, Editorial System, Database and Support:

publicgarden GmbH – Freiraum für Gestaltung
Reinhardstr. 33
10117 Berlin
Website: www.publicgarden.de

References Images:

fotolia.com, freepik.com, iStockphoto.com, Panthermedia.net, pexels.com, shotshop.com, shutterstock.com


RAL and the Umweltbundesamt assume no liability for the contents of any other website you may access from our Website. This also applies to the responsibility for presentation of and advertising for all products listed on our Website. No liability claims against RAL, Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency and publicgarden for material or non-material damage caused by the use of the information provided will be accepted.

Note regarding the Entry of Products and Label Users:

All possible efforts have been made to present correct data of products and label users. If, nevertheless, errors have crept in, please, send us an e-mail to: Umweltzeichen@RAL.de

Being safe when surfing on the Internet

We recommend that you use a firewall and an efficient virus scanner and that you update their settings and signatures preferably every day. Many programmes offer an automatic update function.

If you would like to have more information, we suggest you visit BSI für Bürger, a website of the German Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) which informs the public about e-security issues (in German). On this website you can also find the Bürger-CERT (CERT = Computer Emergency Response Team), where you can subscribe to a newsletter which provides quick and reliable information about current security alerts (in German).

An English-language service is available at www.getsafeonline.org, a site co-initiated by the UK Government's Cabinet Office. Get Safe Online operates the ITsafe Warning Service. Get Safe Online's Alerts and Warnings Feed provides timely updates about security issues from HM Government sources.