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Benefits for the retail trade

Strategic communication of your sustainability activities strengthens the image of your company and improves customer loyalty. The Federal Ministry for the Environment and the German Environment Agency guarantee that the strict criteria for the Blue Angel are developed on a scientific basis and ensure that the ecolabel is only awarded after careful examination. Amongst the jungle of labels, seals and marks that exist today in everyday life, the Blue Angel provides reliable guidance for sustainable purchasing. It stands for independent, transparent and ambitious labelling.  
The Blue Angel is available for individual collaborations in the areas of e.g.:

  • Online and offline communication
  • Graphics, templates, shared photos, video trailers
  • The creation of content and information material
  • Tailor-made campaigns
  • Theme weeks
  • POS communication
  • Competitions
  • Articles and interviews for the customer magazine
Chart: 23% purchase decision and 90% awareness

90% brand awareness

Surveys conducted by the German Environment Agency show that the Blue Angel is a highly recognised brand and 90 percent of people are aware of it. 23 percent of consumers admit that the ecolabel has an influence on their purchasing decisions. (Source: Umweltbewusstseinsstudie (Study on Environmental Awareness))

Text with less environmental impact, protection of health and high quality and usability

Demanding and recognised standards

The Blue Angel only certifies the best products in a particular product group. The criteria are developed by the German Environment Agency on a scientific basis. The consumer information portal “Siegelklarheit” (Label Transparency) has also given the Blue Angel a rating of “very good”.

products with the Blue Angel such as cleaning products, paper, printers and shoes

The ecolabel for your product range

No other label in the non-food sector covers such a wide range of products and services as the Blue Angel. It is awarded in product segments such as washing detergents and cleaning agents, sanitary papers, paper and stationary items and building products.