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The Environmental Label Jury

The independent decision-making body

Logo Jury Umweltzeichen

The jury decides which product groups and service sectors should be awarded the Blue Angel. In addition, it discusses and ratifies the respective award criteria developed by the German Environment Agency. The members of the jury are independent and impartial. Membership of the jury is carried out on a voluntary and non-salaried basis.

Friendly looking members of the Ecolabel jury
© BMUV / Christoph Wehrer

Members of the Environmental Label Jury for the new term of office from 2022 to 2024.
Left to right: Kathrin Krause (vzbv), Jan Philipp Rohde (DGB), Anna Hartleif (AStA Bonn), Jelena Nikolic (HDE), Katharina Istel (NABU), Dr. Heike Buschhorn (Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Construction and Climate Protection of the State of Lower Saxony), Julia Römer (BUND), Steffi Lemke (BMUV), Dr. Axel Neisser (Stiftung Warentest), Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt (Pforzheim University), Claudia Voss (BDI) and Dorothee Rodenhäuser (FEST e.V.)


Members of the Environmental Label Jury

The jury consists of 16 natural persons who are appointed by the Federal Environment Minister. 14 members of the jury are appointed for a period of three years in agreement with the Chairman of the German Conference of Environment Ministers (UMK). The jury involves all relevant social groups and includes representatives from environmental and consumer associations, as well as those from trade and industry. Two other members of the jury are representatives of the German federal states. One state representative is taken from the environment ministry of the state that currently holds the position of chairman of the UMK. The second is taken from the state that previously held the position of chairman of the UMK. In contrast to the other members, these state representatives are only appointed for a period of two years. The jury meets at least twice a year at their scheduled meetings. In between these meetings, the chairman represents the jury at events and discussions. In the first meeting for the relevant term of office, the jury elects a chairman from amongst the Environmental Label Jury and decides on their work programme for their term of office. The jury will generally refrain from using airplanes when travelling to the meetings or other Blue Angel events within Germany.

More information about the Environmental Label Jury (in German)

Christiane Schäfer

Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie und Mobilität Rheinland-Pfalz


Katharina Istel

NABU – Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.

Logo Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband

Jochen Geilenkirchen

Federation of German Consumer Organisations

Logo Stiftung Warentest

Dr. Axel Neisser

Foundation for Comparative Product Testing

Logo Handelsverband Deutschland

Jelena Nikolic

German Retail Federation

Logo Deutscher Städtetag

Carina Peters

Deutscher Städtetag 

Logo Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks e.V.

Dr. Martin Peters

Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks e.V. / Handwerkskammer Berlin

Logo Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

Dorothee Rodenhäuser

Protestant Institute for Interdisciplinary Research, reg. Assoc.

Logo DGB

Jan Philipp Rohde

DGB Bundesvorstand

Logo Bund, Freunde der Erde

Julia Römer

BUND (Friends of the Earth Germany) - National Executive Board

Nicole Kronenberg

Ministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen

Logo Institut für Industrial Ecology Pforzheim

Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt

Hochschule Pforzheim

Institut für Industrial Ecology (INEC) 

Lodo Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie e.V.

Claudia Voss

Federation of German Industries

Logo Asta Universität Bonn


Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Referat für Ökologie