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Application process

Application process

Every product group with a Blue Angel ecolabel has its own Basic Award Criteria containing individual requirements that need corresponding verification. Firstly check whether Basic Award Criteria already exist for the product or service you offer on the market. Take a look in the section existing basic award criteria to see if your product or service is already allocated to a product group.

If you find Basic Award Criteria for the Blue Angel ecolabel for your product or service, these criteria and other documentation for the application are available for download. The Basic Award Criteria are available in German and English. And the application can also be submitted in either German or English. To submit your application to RAL gGmbH, please use the online application portal exclusively. Instructions on how to use the web portal can be downloaded there as a pdf file.

If you are not able to allocate your product or service to one of the existing Basic Award Criteria, please check whether your product is included in the list of pending investigative orders.

A: ... for existing Basic Award Criteria

B: ... for the development of new Basic Award Criteria

1. The supplier submits their application
In order to use the environmental label, verification of compliance with the requirements is sent to the awarding body RAL

Fränkische Straße 7, 53229 Bonn
Tel.: +49 (0)228 68895 190

1. Anybody can submit a new proposal
including comprehensive information on the product to the following address:

German Environment Agency FG III 1.3,
Office of the Environmental Label Jury
Postfach 1406, 06813 Dessau
Tel.: +49 (0)340 2103 3375

2. RAL
Checks the application for the use of the environmental label for compliance with the stipulated requirements

2. Specialist evaluation by the German Environment Agency
3. Federal state
Submits statement
3. The Environmental Label Jury decides on the investigative order
4. RAL
Conclusion of the contract on the use of the environmental label with the supplier/manufacturer
4. Umweltbundesamt
Fachliche Vorbereitung und Vorschläge für die Vergabebedingungen
5. Advertising by the supplier using the environmental label based on the contract on the use of the environmental label concluded with RAL 5. RAL
Organisation of the expert hearing

6. Expert hearing
Participants: RAL (Chair), UBA, Sector supplying the product/service (BDI), Consumer associations (BVZV/StiWa), Environmental associations if required, Trade unions if required, Other experts if required

Recommendations for the Environmental Label Jury

  7. Environmental Label Jury
Ratification of the Basic Award Criteria
  8. Announcement of the decisions
Announcement of the decisions by the BMU


You can get support with the application at: