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RAL gGmbH – The awarding body for the Blue Angel ecolabel

Logo RAL ggmbh

RAL gGmbH is responsible for awarding the Blue Angel. It accepts the individual applications from the respective economic sectors offering the relevant products or services and then checks their compliance with the requirements and the full provision of the verification documentation. RAL gGmbH also obtains a statement from the federal state that is home to the applicant about the company's compliance with the environmental requirements. When all basic award criteria have been fulfilled, RAL gGmbH concludes a contract on the use of the environmental label with the applicant.

Furthermore, RAL gGmbH organises and carries out the expert hearings as part of the development process for new environmental labels and the revision of existing labels. 

Team RAL

Head of RAL Environmental Labelling
Christoph Eßer-Ayertey
is Head of RAL Environmental Labelling and thus in charge of the certification body responsible for the worldwide award of the Blue Angel ecolabel and also for the award of the EU Ecolabel in Germany. He is responsible for the operation of the award body.

Team assistance and general advice
Karin Abedzadeh

Certification Staff of RAL Environmental Labelling
Thanks to our expertise in chemistry, biology, biotechnology, ecotoxicology, IT and mechanical engineering, we are able to meet the high standards expected of us when processing and assessing the applications for the award of the ecolabel.

The following Certification Staff of RAL Environmental Labelling is responsible for processing the applications:
Klaudia Maniera, Dr. Andrea Rimkus, Mara Scheuermann, Nicole Markiton,
Dr. Antonia Pott, Henrike Buttner, Dr. Sven Ueberlein, Dr. Sebastian Burck,
Sarah Gröls, Anne Worsch 
and Johann Krause.

The person responsible for each basic award criteria can be found here: 
Basic Award Criteria | Blue Angel

Contract management
Stefanie Sobisch, Jasmin Engels
and Maik Bartoszewicz are responsible for contract management, issuing certificates, providing the logo files and logo monitoring, among other things.

E-commerce, the product information area and website coordination
Kerstin Joester 
and Nina Goepel are responsible for the e-commerce data service, the product information area, answering general questions, providing advice and coordinating the websites. They are also responsible for dealing with any enquires related to specialist trade fairs.


Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn