
Expert hearings

At the expert hearings, the criteria developed by the German Environment Agency for the respective product group or service are presented to interested parties and are discussed. The goal is to reach a consensus among the participants on standard setting and verification.

After the expert hearing, the criteria as well as the protocol of the expert hearing and, if applicable, statements of the stakeholders are presented to the Environmental Label Jury for discussion and decision. The criteria for the use of the Blue Angel are decided by the jury for a limited period of time. This makes it possible to regularly revise the relevant criteria in order to adapt them to the latest technological standards. Accordingly, criteria proposed by the German Environment Agency are discussed at hearings organised by RAL gGmbH.

Listed below are the dates for which hearings will be held in the near future. If you are a manufacturer, association, expert, testing institute or other stakeholder and are interested in participating, please contact us at the address below.

We’ll be happy to help you with any questions about the expert hearings:

Fränkische Straße 7
53229 Bonn
Karin Abedzadeh

Car Sharing, DE-UZ 100
26 March 2025
Online-Hearing (via Webex)