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Press release

The Blue Angel at the Open Day of the Federal Ministry for the Environment

Two Blue Angel employees in front of their stand
© BMUV/Christopher Wehrer

The idea: Making the invisible visible

Over 20,000 products are certified with the Blue Angel eco-label. However, consumers are often unaware of the range of products that receive the label. The roadshow made the multitude of environmentally friendly products with the Blue Angel more visible. On large information walls, the visitors could work out facts and figures about the eco-label: Which criteria have to be fulfilled in order to be awarded the Blue Angel? Who determines these? Who is behind the Blue Angel?

Taking part: Becoming an environmental angel

Our visitors could take a photo of themselves in front of a large wing wall and become visible as environmental angels. The pictures were then published on the social media channels by the visitors.

Eye-catcher of the stand: the claw crane

30 seconds to try your luck and maybe fish for an environmentally friendly product - no one could resist. A claw crane filled with Blue Angel products pulled in visitors of all ages.


About the Blue Angel

The Blue Angel has been the ecolabel of the German federal government for more than 40 years and the guide for sustainable purchasing. It is an independent and credible label that sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services. The Blue Angel guarantees that the products or services it certifies meet high standards when it comes to its environmental, health and performance characteristics. The whole life cycle of the product or service is always taken into account in the assessment process. Criteria are developed for each product group and must be complied with by those products and services holding the Blue Angel. In order to reflect any technological developments, the German Environment Agency checks the criteria every three to four years. This ensures that companies are required to make their products even more environmentally friendly over time.