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Did you know…the correct way to bag up your organic waste?

Compost bag with vegetable scraps
© Bande für Gestaltung

But how do you correctly “bag up” your organic waste at home? One option is to collect it in a container and then transfer it to the organic waste bin. A plastic bag is obviously a complete no-go but what about using a paper bag? Paper bags made out of virgin fibres are also far from the ideal choice. Although they will decompose along with the organic waste in the end, these “fresh” virgin fibres don’t really belong there at all.

Anyone looking for a suitable bag should select an organic waste bag made out of recycled paper certified with the Blue Angel. This is because the use of recovered paper contributes to the preservation of resources, especially ecosystems such as forests, and thus helps to protect species and the climate. In addition, these bags must pass a practical composting test and verify that they do not have any harmful impact on the soil during composting.

Benefits for the environment of organic waste bags made out of recycled paper certified with the Blue Angel (DE-UZ 217 b):

  • made from 100% recovered paper 
  • saves energy, water and wood
  • low level of harmful materials

Further information: Environmentally friendly paper bags and boxes made out of recycled paper