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Presentation of certificates

Digitalisation with the Blue Angel – first server certified with the eco-label

Two representatives of THOMAS-KRENN.AG hold the certificates in their hands, in the middle is Ms. Marina Köhn from the Federal Environment Agency

The fact that the internet consumes so much energy is primarily due to its underlying technology. Everything we do on the internet – from writing an e-mail and online banking through to streaming videos – has to be processed in data centrers.

Sustainable servers and data storage devices are essential for the environmentally friendly operation of data centers

In order to make a data center more environmentally friendly, it is also necessary to make the installed technology more energy efficient. Servers are the main consumers of energy in data centers. To reduce the carbon footprint of data centers, it is thus vital to install servers that work economically. Saving energy in the operation of servers and data storage products pays off twice in the data center: On the one hand, there are the direct energy savings achieved by the devices themselves and, on the other hand, there is a reduced demand for cooling.

The Blue Angel environmental label for SERVERS AND DATA STORAGE PRODUCTS (DE-UZ 213) sets high minimum requirements for the energy efficiency of servers, data storage products and power supply units, as well as for the elimination of pollutants in the plastic materials used in the products. The Blue Angel can thus be used to label devices that stand out due to their high energy efficiency, long service life and avoidance of environmentally polluting materials.

THOMAS-KRENN.AG is the first licence holder of the Blue Angel ecolabel in this product group. The company based in Freyung in the Bavarian Forest has been manufacturing servers and storage systems in accordance with the built-to-order principle since 2002. Marina Köhn from the Federal Environmental Agency presented the Blue Angel ecolabel for Servers and Data Storage Products (DE-UZ 213) to the first licence holder Thomas-Krenn.AG at the 10th Specialist Conference for Socially Responsible IT Procurement.

State Secretary Dr. Christiane Rohleder gave the welcoming address:

Further information

Marina Köhn, Green-IT Expertin vom Umweltbundesamt, gibt in unserem RADIOINTERVIEW einen tieferen Einblick in die Umweltauswirkungen von Rechenzentren.

Marina Köhn, Green IT Expert at the German Environment Agency, provides a deeper insight into the environmental impact of data centers in our RADIO INTERVIEW (only in German).

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