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Environmentally conscious Christmas shopping – buy presents with a good conscience

Heartfelt gifts packaged in an environmentally friendly way – some facts about recycled gift paper

Many consumers would like to purchase more sustainable products but often find it hard to find them. It is often not possible for people to find information on the product’s impact on the environment and their own health on the product itself. Was the product produced in an environmentally friendly manner, were hazardous substances avoided, is it durable and easy to recycle? This is precisely where trustworthy ecolabels based on stringent standards can provide assistance to consumers by making the invisible visible. According to the survey, 70% of those questioned believe that independent ecolabels such as the Blue Angel or the EU Ecolabel provide reliable guidance when shopping.

Our tips for how you can combine the joy of giving gifts with environmental awareness:

Before going shopping:

  • Find out what people need: Does the recipient really need the present? You could buy them an experience gift or give them a small hand-made present instead.

  • Create a wish list: Ask people to tell you what they want so that you can avoid buying unwanted gifts and ensure that they really enjoy the present

While shopping:

  • Look out for products certified with trustworthy labels such as the Blue Angel. According to the survey, 65% of people believe that the standards imposed on products certified with independent ecolabels are actually implemented and checked.

  • Give gifts a second chance: Second-hand books, clothing and toys are often a sustainable and inexpensive alternative.

After shopping:

  • Package the gift with a good conscience: Gift paper certified with the Blue Angel – the ecolabel from the German federal government – is guaranteed to be made 100% from recovered paper. Up to 80% less water and 70% less energy are used in the production of recycled paper than in the production of virgin fibre paper. Furthermore, the Blue Angel prohibits the use of a whole range of hazardous chemicals and ensures that the gift paper can also be easily recycled when the festive season is over. Some gifts may also fit in reusable packaging or bags made of recycled paper.

In search of inspiration: The ecolabel from the German federal government is once again giving away 24 environmentally and resource-friendly products again this year in the Blue Angel advent calendar (only in German). Maybe you can also find the right present there!

Information on the survey

The survey was carried out by the market research institute forsa on behalf of the Blue Angel ecolabel. A total of 1,506 German-speaking people over the age of 18 were interviewed in Germany from 12 to 20 June 2024. It is possible to transfer the results to the general population in accordance with the error tolerances applicable to all random surveys (in this case +/-2.5 percentage points).


Information about the Blue Angel ecolabel

The Blue Angel has been the ecolabel of the German federal government for more than 45 years and the guide for sustainable purchasing. It is an independent and credible label that sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services. The Blue Angel guarantees that the products or services it certifies meet high standards when it comes to its environmental, health and performance characteristics. The whole life cycle of the product or service is always taken into account in the assessment process. Criteria are developed for each product group and must be complied with by those products and services holding the Blue Angel. In order to reflect any technological developments, the German Environment Agency checks the criteria every three to four years. This ensures that companies are required to make their products even more environmentally friendly over time. You can find more information and the certified products at: www.blauer-engel.de or on our social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.


* Heartfelt gifts packaged in an environmentally friendly way – some facts about recycled gift paper

It protects the climate
70% less energy consumption
80% less water consumption
in the production of recycled paper compared to virgin fibre paper

It protects forests
100% recovered paper makes it unnecessary to fell more trees

It conserves resources
Recycled gift paper is easy to recycle and reuse in the future

It protects people and the environment
The use of hazardous chemicals is avoided during the production process