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Presentation of certificates

Reason to celebrate: presentation of certificates for four environmentally friendly products

Fünf Männer stehen vor ausgestellten Duschbrausen und halten ihre Urkunden hoch
Conmetall Meister in Celle erhält das Zertifikat für die ersten zertifizierten Duschbrausen

First shower heads certified after revision of criteria

As recently as 22 June, Conmetall Meister in Celle was presented with the certificate for the first shower heads certified according to the new revision of the award criteria for energy-efficient and water-saving hand-held and overhead show heads (DE-UZ 157).

The flow rate is the decisive criterion when buying a shower head, as not only water but also energy is saved. But the flow rate is not so easy to recognise on the product itself. This is exactly where ecolabels like the Blue Angel help. For instance, a shower head certified with the Blue Angel must demonstrate that it does not release more than 8 litres per minute. Since the Blue Angel always evaluates a product holistically, further requirements have to be met. Materials must be hygienically safe and must not impair the quality of the drinking water. Further requirements aim to ensure that the shower heads are durable and fit for purpose.

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