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Did you know that the right shower head is good for both you and the environment?

Water droplets from a shower head
© neues handeln/Bande für Gestaltung

One solution would simply be to reduce the time you spend in the shower and this is certainly a good idea. However, spending less time in the shower only helps to a limited extent. What other options are there? You could use the right shower head! Shower heads that do not exceed a flow rate of 9 litres per minute irrespective of the water pressure are particularly efficient. Standard shower heads have a flow rate of around 15 litres of water per minute. It is thus possible to save at least 40 percent of this water by using the right shower head.

It is also no secret that most people like to take a hot rather than a cold shower. This means that the vast majority of the water that we use while showering or bathing has been heated. Therefore, we don’t just use water for our personal hygiene but also consume energy. Anyone who takes a shower using a certified shower head will thus also save energy.

The Blue Angel environmental label for water-saving hand-held and overhead shower heads is awarded to products featuring the following environmental properties:

  • Low water consumption
  • Low energy consumption due to the efficient use of hot water
  • Avoidance of material-related contamination of the drinking water
  • Low risk of bacterial contamination
  • Longevity and serviceability

Further information:
Basic Award Criteria for Energy-Efficient and Water-Saving Hand-Held and Overhead Shower Heads