Bauwerk Group Schweiz AG "Bauwerk Geh- und Trittschallmatte"
The Bauwerk ambient and impact sound mat is an elastic sub layer intended for impact
sound absorption and isolation under pre-finished parquet in accordance with EN 13489.
The panels consist of a mineral layer in the middle and a layer of fleece applied on both
sides. The Bauwerk ambient and impact sound mat can be used with the floating
installation or full-surface bonding of Bauwerk’s pre-finished parquet (not suited for the
full-area bonding of strip parquet, solid planks, glued parquet, and Unicopark).
The Bauwerk ambient and impact sound mat is intended for regular intensity use in living
spaces. If used in low-traffic commercial spaces, avoid heavy rolling loads. Slight creaking
noises can arise at high loads due to the elastic properties of the product.
The Bauwerk ambient and impact sound mat improves walking comfort and reduces the
ambient sound in the room by as much as 20%.
Brand: Bauwerk Group Schweiz AG
Bauwerk Group Schweiz AG
9430 St. Margrethen