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EMBA Recycled cardboard

Product information of the company:

EMBA Recycling Cardboard

- for the production of office lever arch files, folders, notepads, etc.

- for pressing-in into films, mounting of pictures

- excellent as filling for business card casec, casing, diaries

- suitable for bonding and coating with various materials for bookbinding     purposes

- suitable for further processing by duble-sides pasted coats and where lower specific weight is required

- suitable for all transport  packaging with transport demands, lattices, shaped cut-outs, paperboard corners, briefcases, toys

Brand: EMBA

Logo EMBA spol. s. r. o.

EMBA spol. s. r. o.

Cp. 235
51247 Paseky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic
ing Jiří Jelínek