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Product information of the company:

Genesis - the paper for creation

Genesis means the story of creation and stands for the origin, for nature. It stands for the mighty nature from which we draw strength.
With Genesis, we are opening a new chapter in the field of recycled paper. Genesis is made from 100% recycled paper. 
The use of recycled paper is a contribution to conserving resources and preserving the original. A reduction to the essentials and at the same time a new, intensive experience.
Genesis has a past. And you determine the future.

available from us in: 

White, Softwhite, Natural, Ultrablack, as well as in various colors and different grammages in sheet format and as envelopes

Brand: Genesis

Logo Fischer Papier AG

Fischer Papier AG

Letzistraße 24
9015 St. Gallen
Patrick Kieninger