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Koninklijke Van der Most Envelop

Product information of the company:

We are a Royal company and continuity is our number one priority. Based on this principle, we opt for sustainable solutions that really contribute to a better balance between people, the environment and profit. One of these solutions is our envelope with der Blauer Engel certificate. This envelope is made of recycled paper, produced without environmentally harmful substances such as alcohol and contains de-inkable ink. This ink is removed during the recycling process of the paper, after which we use it without loss of quality on a new product and it remains within the same product lifecycle!

Brand: Koninklijke Van der Most B.V.

Logo Koninklijke Van der Most B.V.

Koninklijke Van der Most B.V.

Europaweg 7
8181 BG Heerde
The Netherlands
Director Marriël Van der Most