Mobil SHC(TM) Aware(TM) Hydraulic 32
Mobil SHC™ Aware™ Hydraulic Series lubricants are high performance, anti-wear hydraulic oils which are designed to meet the demand for environmentally acceptable hydraulic lubricants. Mobil SHC Aware Hydraulic Series lubricants meet the requirements set out by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2013 Vessel General Permit (VGP) and EU EcoLabel regulations. Biodegradable, minimally toxic and non-bio accumulative, Mobil SHC Aware Hydraulic Series lubricants can be used in hydraulic applications where spills or leakage could result in adverse environmental impact. In addition, Mobil SHC Aware Hydraulic Series oils are specifically formulated to provide exceptional anti-wear and film thickness attributes required for the most strenuous hydraulic systems. Mobil SHC Aware Hydraulic Series lubricants also have the potential to improve hydraulic efficiency* compared to ExxonMobil's standard hydraulic fluids.
*Hydraulic efficiency relates solely to the fluid performance when compared to ExxonMobil's standard hydraulic fluids. The technology used provides up to 3.6 % efficiency compared to ExxonMobil's standard hydraulic fluids when tested in a Eaton 25VMQ vane pump under controlled conditions in accordance with applicable industry standards and protocols. Efficiency improvements will vary based on lubricants previously used, operating conditions and application.