OEST Biosynt HV 150
OEST BIOSYNT HV 150 is an easy biodegradable chain saw oil acc. to the requirements of the Federal Environment Office „RAL-ZU 178“ for „biodegradable lubricants“, the ecolabel "Blauer Engel" as well as the EU ecolabel have been requested. It is perfectly suitable for the professional operation in harvesters due to its higher viscosity.
OEST BIOSYNT HV 150 is manufactured of vegetable oils and faultless additives concerning toxicology, which do not harm the environment, as microorganisms would degrade them there quickly. The content of renewable raw material is appr. 98 % acc. to ASTM-D6866-12.
OEST BIOSYNT HV 150 possesses a favourable viscosity-temperature behaviour, especially also, a good resistance against cold and due to its adhesive and lubrication features a high protection against wear and corrosion while showing an economic consumption.
Long-term cold behaviour at - 18 °C during 100 h: excellently fillable.

Brand: OEST

72250 Freudenstadt