Pepino® Die kleinen Feinen von Ricosta Gabry; Schuhgrößen 18 - 26
Super soft toddlers boot “Gabry” is certified with the Eco Label “Blue Angel” organized by the German federal government. The robust but also pliable sole made of natural rubber is ideal for playing and walking and fits naturally to the form of the foot. The upper material of this attractive shoe for girls and boys is made of sustainable terracare® leather – tanned in Germany.
This leather is tanned in a responsible manner and receives the finishing touches under equally socially respectful conditions. Natural leather is breathable and keeps children’s feet cool and dry.
Our leather insole is removable and tanned with plant substances. Optimum adjustment to the child’s foot is ensured by the lace fitting. The ankle-high upper in combination with the lacing offers additional support.

More information about the product
Brand: Pepino® Die kleinen Feinen von Ricosta

RICOSTA Schuhfabriken GmbH
78166 Donaueschingen