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TA Triumph-Adler 5058i
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Sometimes, less is more. However, with the innovative 5058i A3 b/w multifunctional system, this only applies to output of black and white toner, as these MFPs offer a great deal more! An output speed of up to 50 A4 pages per minute, scanning capacity up to 320 sheets, various finisher options, brilliant print quality and extensive security features, also thanks to the optimisation of the toner and long component lives, it has a greatly reduced impact on the environment. We could go on raving forever, or you can simply let the performance of these powerhouses speak for themselves.

TA Triumph-Adler 5058i
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Brand: TA Triumph-Adler

TA Triumph-Adler GmbH
Haus 5, Deelbögenkamp 4c
22297 Hamburg
22297 Hamburg