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Weltplast DKT patch handle bags, SGS loop handle bags and T-Shirt bags
SGS bags are shopping bags with flexibly handle, made from recycled polyethylen.
These bags are suitable for caring heavy things, because they provide excellent strength, and there for they are irreplaceable in shopping centers.
SGS bags are produced from the film made in the high-end extruder and can be printed in up to 6 colors, on sophisticated flexoprinting machines. The last step of production is welding on the confection machine with the continued control system.
DKT bags
These bags are aimed to be used in the stores for caring various things such as clothes, shoes etc. These bags have strengthened handle, and therefore they are irreplaceable in the stores.
DKT bags are produced from the film made in the high-end extruder and can be printed in up to 6 colors, on sophisticated flexoprinting machines. The last step of production is welding on the confection machine with the continued control system.
T-SHIRT bags are shopping bags with strong handle, made from recycled polyethylene.
These bags are aimed to be used in the stores for caring various things such as clothes, shoes etc. These bags have strengthened handle, and therefore they are irreplaceable in the stores.
T-SHIRT bags are produced from the film made in the high-end extruder and can be printed in up to 6 colors, on sophisticated flexoprinting machines. The last step of production is welding on the confection machine with the continued control system.
More information about the product
Brand: Weltplast
Weltplast d.o.o.
88240 Posusje