- Calculator (22)
- Cardboard index dividers (26)
- Characteristics: Loose insulating materials (blow-in insulating materials) (6)
- Characteristics: Loose insulation materials (bulk) (10)
- Characteristics: Solid insulating materials (boards, rolls) (35)
- Circulation folders (11)
- Clear paint and varnish (32)
- Clipboards (5)
- Collection boxes (2)
- Colored paint and varnish (56)
- Colored wall paints (emulsion paints) (26)
- Colored wall paints (silicate emulsion paints) (1)
- Colour Devices (788)
- Colour mixing system (external mixing at POS) (11)
- Coloured drawing papers, contruction papers (25)
- Colouring books (2)
- Compost chopper (1)
- Construction machinery (31)
- Containers, recycled plastics (29)
- Cordless phones (7)
- Corrugated paper (2)
- car sharing (13)
- cardboard for crafts and paper (18)
- cardboard for processing: other (27)
- carrier bag (20)
- carrier bag, recycled plastics (80)
- carrier bags for customers in the retail trade (11)
- carrier bags, textil (3)
- catalogues/annual reports (64)
- chain lubricants for motor saws (65)
- chipboards (4)
- clothing (2)
- coated chipboards (16)
- colour-safe laundry detergent (liquid) (3)
- composter, recycled plastics (2)
- computers (1)
- concrete goods (4)
- containers (3)
- continuous paper (8)
- cosmetic tissues (51)
- cover foil (12)
- cover foil, recycled plastics (31)