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Buses (DE-UZ 59b)

city bus, citybus, bus, electric bus, bus, buses

The aim is to reduce pollutant emissions and noise annoyances caused by buses, especially in metropolitan, inner-city and special protection areas.

Municipalities using low-noise buses make an important contribution to health protection

That is why the noise of a moving vehicle must comply with the legal noise limits. These limits will be further reduced from 2020.

Stringent exhaust and particulate emission limits must be met to reduce air pollutants The requirements correspond to the legal standards for exhaust emission reduction and require the use of high-efficiency exhaust after-treatment systems.

Electric buses and buses with hybrid drive must meet quality and safety requirements for the rechargeable traction battery to be awarded the Blue Angel eco-label. Replaceability and long-term availability of the batteries and accumulators used in the buses must be guaranteed.

The use of halogen-free refrigerants for the air-conditioning of the buses is expected to be required from 2020.

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