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Climate-Friendly Grocery Stores in the Food Retail Sector (DE-UZ 179)

Shopping in climate-friendly food retail stores
The food retail sector is responsible for approx. 1% of the greenhouse gas emissions in Germany and for around 3% of the total energy consumption in Germany. The refrigeration systems for cooling food account for the largest proportion of the total energy consumption at almost 40 %, as well as for the largest share of the indirect greenhouse gas emissions from grocery stores in the food retail sector. Around 30 % of the total energy consumption is used for heating, around 20 % for lighting and 8 % for air conditioning. In all of these areas, there is significant potential for making savings in terms of energy consumption and thus reducing the green house emissions.
In addition, refrigeration systems can contain halogenated organic compounds as refrigerants and in their insulation materials. As a result of the use of natural refrigerants that have no ozone depletion potential and no or little global-warming potential in combination with the energy-efficient operation of the refrigeration systems, a significant proportion of the greenhouse gas emissions caused by refrigeration systems in the food retail sector can be saved. Other emissions savings are possible through good thermal insulation in the building, energy-efficient lighting, ventilation and the use of more energy-efficient electrical equipment.
Those grocery stores in the food retail sector issued with the Blue Angel ecolabel will be operated in a particularly energy-efficient way and use climate-friendly natural refrigerants.
Die mit dem Blauen Engel ausgezeichneten Verkaufsmärkte des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels werden besonders energieeffizient betrieben und verwenden klimafreundliche natürliche Kältemittel.

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