Environmentally Friendly Hand Dishwashing Detergents and Hard Surface Cleaners (DE-UZ 194)
Hand Dishwashing Detergents, All-Purpose Cleaners, Sanitary Cleaners, Glass Cleaners and Descalers
Washing and cleaning agents are used on a daily basis for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene. Approx. 319,000 tonnes of cleaning and care agents (excluding dishwashing detergents) and around 139,000 tonnes of hand dishwashing detergents are sold each year in Germany. All of these products contain ingredients that find their way into the wastewater system and can have a negative effect on the environment and human health. If these ingredients cannot be completely retained or degraded in sewage treatment plants, they will enter into bodies of water and can be ingested there by water organisms and, in some circumstances, enriched. Furthermore, washing and cleaning agents can negatively affect human health when substances hazardous to health such as fragrance allergens and preservatives are used.
In the interests of the environment, climate and nature conservation, cleaning agents certified with the Blue Angel ecolabel should thus be produced in such a way that they have the least possible impact on the environment and human health. These products should also help to reduce any risks to the environment and human health by avoiding the use of hazardous substances, as well as helping to minimise packaging waste. Renewable raw materials that have been cultivated under sustainable conditions or which support sustainable cultivation should also be used in their production.
Conserving resources is also an important focus of this environmental label. Therefore, the packaging should contain information that enables consumers to not only use the product efficiently but also with the least possible impact on the environment.
Blink ÖKO Allzweckreiniger
Müller Handels AG Schweiz -
Blink ÖKO BeeHappy Spülmittel Lemonduft
Müller Handels AG Schweiz -
Blink ÖKO Spülmittel Aloe Vera
Müller Handels AG Schweiz -
Blink ÖKO Spülmittel Himbeere
Müller Handels AG Schweiz -
Benefits to Environment and Health
- Widespread avoidance of substances damaging to the environment and healt
- Promotes the sustainable cultivation of renewable raw materials
- Reduces packaging waste
Blink ÖKO Spülmittel Lemon
Müller Handels AG Schweiz -
Blink ÖKO WC Reinigungsgel
Müller Handels AG Schweiz -
Denkmit Badreiniger nature
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG -
Denkmit Spülmittel ultra nature
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG -
Denkmit Spülmittel ultra nature Lavendel
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG -
Denkmit WC-Reinigungsgel nature
dm-drogerie markt GmbH + Co. KG -
domol eco Badreiniger
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
domol eco Glasreiniger
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
eco Freude Badreiniger
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
eco Freude Badreiniger Nachfüll-Konzentrat
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
eco Freude Spülmittel Citrus Lavendel
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
eco Freude Spülmittel Grapefruit Eukalyptus
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
eco Freude WC-Reiniger Citrus Flieder
Dirk Rossmann GmbH -
green action Spülmittel Aloe Vera
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
green action Spülmittel Apfel
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
green action Spülmittel Balsam
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
green action Spülmittel Balsam
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
green action WC Reiniger Lavendel
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
green action WC Reiniger Zitrus
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
K-Classic Eco Allesreiniger Orange
AVT Abfüll- und Verpackungstechnik GmbH -
K-Classic Eco Badreiniger
AVT Abfüll- und Verpackungstechnik GmbH -
K-CLASSIC ECO Schnellentkalker
ORO-Produkte Marketing International GmbH -
K-Classic Eco WC-Reiniger Himbeere
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
K-Classic Spülmittel Zitrone
ECC Ecological Cleaning and Care GmbH -
natürlich ECO Badreiniger Zitrone
REWE Group Buying GmbH -
natürlich Eco Spülbalsam Aloe Vera
REWE Group Buying GmbH -
natürlich Eco Spülbalsam Grenadine
REWE Group Buying GmbH -
natürlich ECO WC Reiniger Zitrone
REWE Group Buying GmbH -
ORO frisch-aktiv Bio-Entkalker / Bio-Odkamieniacz
ORO-Produkte Marketing International GmbH -
Respekt Allzweckreiniger Sommertraum
Respekt Badreiniger Zitrusfrische
Respekt Küchenreiniger Orangenfrische
Respekt Spülmittel Balsam Feigentraum
Respekt Spülmittel Konzentrat/Frische Grapefruit
Respekt Spülmittel Konzentrat/Granatapfel
Respekt WC-Reiniger Frische Minze
Respekt WC-Reiniger Lotusblüte