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Environmentally Friendly Telephone Systems and Corded Voice-over-IP (DE-UZ 220)

telecomunication, stationary telephone

Convenient and energy-efficient telephone conversations over the Internet
There is a growing trend for companies to replace their analog or ISDN phone systems with voice over IP phones. They provide a greater variety of functions and save costs using existing data networks. To make sure that this plus for convenience is not accompanied by an increase in energy and material consumption the Blue Angel sets strict requirements. Blue Angel eco-labelled VoIP phones feature low electric power consumption, high compatibility with data networks, updatability and high voice quality. Spare parts supply must be guaranteed for at least 6 years, used devices can be returned to the manufacturer and the materials used are subject to strict requirements as to pollutant contents.

Telephone systems transfer data between both a variety of terminals like telephones, fax machines or answering machines and also between these terminals and one or more lines on the public telephone network. As telephone systems installed for commercial use are generally operated 24 hours a day, every day of the week, reducing their energy consumption makes an important contribution to climate protection and also saves operating costs. The upgradability and updatability of the hardware and software are also decisive factors for guaranteeing the longest possible service life of the telephone system and thus helping to preserve resources.

The "Blue Angel" environmental label for VoIP telephones and telephone systems signals to purchasers of these systems that devices issued with this label provide greater preventative protection for the environment and the consumer than is required by statutory regulations. Therefore, the environmental label acts as a decision-making aid for purchasing new devices with the longest possible service lives.