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Low-Pollutant Varnishes (DE-UZ 12a)
“Varnish is a coating substance that is thinly applied to surfaces and hardens due to chemical or physical processes. The surface is sealed and protected as a result. Enhancing the visual appearance of the surface is also part of the various different applications for varnishes. Coating indoor surfaces with varnishes and paints similar to varnish can pollute the indoor air and it is thus essential to select the right product. The Blue Angel is awarded on the basis of an evaluation of the product formulation or an emissions test. This guarantees that varnishes holding the Blue Angel are low in emissions and solvents and also have low levels of pollutants.”
BAUFIX Express Deckfarbe
farbenkaufhaus24 Wetterschutzfarbe
farbenkaufhaus24 -
Renolin Wetterschutzfarbe
Wilckens Farben GmbH Schl.-Holst. Farbenfabriken -
Renovo Garden Decor
FHG Farbenhandelsgesellschaft mbH -
Benefits to Environment and Health
- low in solvents
- low pollutant content
Schöner Wohnen pep up Outdoor-Farbe für Gartenhäuser & Zäune
Flügger (J.D.) -
Schöner Wohnen pep up Outdoor-Farbe für Hochbeete, Blumentöpfe & Gartendeko
Flügger (J.D.) -
Wilckens Express-Deckfarbe
Wilckens Farben GmbH Schl.-Holst. Farbenfabriken