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Announcement of the webinar: The Blue Angel for Event Catering and Canteen Services (DE-UZ 229)

Woman hands food from the kitchen
Photo © WavebreakmediaMicro

The environmental goals have been supplemented by social aspects across the entire value added chain. This includes the use of fair trade food and criteria for the working conditions in canteen and catering services. Furthermore, companies are required to comply with the recommendations issued by the German Nutrition Society (DGE) because health aspects are crucially important to sustainable nutrition. The Blue Angel ecolabel not only provides consumers but also public procurers with reliable guidance for the sustainable consumption of food.

A webinar on September 16, 2024 from 13:00 to 14:30 will provide guidance on the new award criterion. The online format will address the following questions, among others:

Themes covered in the webinar:  

  • What are the new criteria and what compliance verifications are required for certification with the Blue Angel?

  • How will certification with the Blue Angel benefit my company?

  • How much does certification with the Blue Angel cost?

  • How do I submit an application for certification with the Blue Angel?

  • How can you use the Blue Angel in your communication?