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The Blue Angel at the Environmental Festival in Berlin

Two women and two men stand in front of a Blue Angel plaque
Janine Braumann (UBA), Steffi Lemke (BMUV), Ingo Strube (BMUV), Christoph Eßer-Ayertey (RAL) (from left to right)

The Blue Angel ecolabel roadshow made its next stop on 12 June in Berlin. The ecolabel took part in the sustainable Environmental Festival in the glorious sunshine with a stand on Straße des 17. Juni (17 June Street).

The stand's motto: Making the invisible visible

As an ecolabel, the Blue Angel makes more than 20,000 products and services that are environmentally friendly, good for people's health and conserve resources more visible. Under the motto “Making the invisible visible”, visitors to the festival were able to playfully examine figures, data and facts about the ecolabel on two info walls using a magnifying glass.
A large wall containing a set of angel wings also attracted the attention of many curious visitors. Visitors to the stand could pose in front of a large set of wings, have their photographs taken and then make a visible statement to demonstrate that they are environmental angels by publishing the photo on their social media channels under the hashtag #umweltfestival2022.

The highlight of the stand: the claw crane grabber machine

The main attraction at the stand had a magical allure for both young and old and big or small visitors: a claw crane grabber machine with a Blue Angel twist. The machine filled with environmentally friendly Blue Angel products cast a spell over both big and small visitors from morning to night. The visitors each had 30 seconds to move the gripper arm into the right position, press a button and cross their fingers while the claw attempted to grab the desired roll.

The stand was staffed by Ingo Strube from the division for “Sustainable Consumer Protection, Product-Related Environmental Protection” at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Janine Braumann from the German Environment Agency and Christoph Eßer-Ayertey, Head of the Environment Department at RAL. The German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke also visited the Blue Angel stand and made her visible statement as an environmental angel by posing in front of the large set of angel wings.

Have we aroused your curiosity? The 2022 roadshow continues its journey

The next stops for the roadshow have already been confirmed.

  • Ilmpuls Festival: 24/25 June in Ilmenau, Thuringia
  • Ökofete: 26 June in Leipzig
  • BMUV Open Day: 20/21 August in Berlin



About the Blue Angel

The Blue Angel has been the ecolabel of the German federal government for more than 40 years and the guide for sustainable purchasing. It is an independent and credible label that sets stringent standards for environmentally friendly products and services. The Blue Angel guarantees that the products or services it certifies meet high standards when it comes to its environmental, health and performance characteristics. The whole life cycle of the product or service is always taken into account in the assessment process. Criteria are developed for each product group and must be complied with by those products and services holding the Blue Angel. In order to reflect any technological developments, the German Environment Agency checks the criteria every three to four years. This ensures that companies are required to make their products even more environmentally friendly over time.